Turn Saphe Drive on and off

There is usually no need to turn off and on or restart a Saphe Drive, but sometimes it is nice to be able to anyway.

Please be aware that Saphe Drive automatically turns off the screen after a few minutes when it is not detecting any movement. It instantly turns the screen back on automatically when it senses movement.  

Make sure your Saphe Drive is turned on and active

You can check that your Saphe Drive is on by moving it. It will display "Saphe Drive" on the screen and the Bluetooth icon will flash.


To turn on a Saphe Drive, press and hold the center button for approx. 3 seconds. 

To turn it off, press and hold the center button for approx. 5 seconds until the screen dispaly a "power" icon with a checkmark on the left and a cross on the right. Press the button left under the checkmark to turn off your Saphe Drive.


You can also restart a Saphe Drive, which can be useful if:

  • The screen freezes on an image
  • The Saphe Drive will not connect to the phone
  • Or there are other issues that can be solved by refreshing the device 

How to restart a Saphe Drive.
