Speed Limits

Our Speed Limit sign feature has to cover all roads in Denmark!

It can be hard to figure out the actual speed limit in some places. And if you miss a speed limit, it can be both expensive and dangerous.

Thats why our Speed Limit sign feature is popular and indispensable to our Premium subscribers, who on the roads receives information about speed limits on all highways, big main roads and other major traffic points.

But we strive to do it even better in the future, so that you with a Saphe Premium subscription, have the most precise and best covering Speed Limit sign helper, with you on the roads.

Bumps on the road.

There are different causes to the absence of the perfect map of Speed Limits in Denmark, which has been long awaited:

  • There are no public datas available.
  • Under 10% of the danish regions has there local speed limits registrered to public knowledge.
  • About 10% of the Speed Limits, changes every year.
  • Denmark has 75.000 km. of road, divided in to 300.000 roadsegments. This gives a complex dataset, where mistakes will happen.

Let us help each other!

The reason that we without a doubt, can say that we want to be the best in the market on this area, is beacuse we have knowledge, that competitors and other in the industry don't have available.

When we can't collect or buy the correct data of Speed Limits, then the only solution, is to reach out to our fantastic customers in Denmarks biggest traffic community.

And thats why we in 2023, will open up for the feature to repport missing or wrong speed limits in the Saphe Link app or Saphe Drive Pro Trafficalarm.

Better than your car!

Do you have a car, that can show you the speed limit, it is equipped with either an automatic sign-recognition or signrecognition + GPS map with speed limit data.

Both systems can have issues and misses the direct connection to the driver, as available with Saphe.

  • Vehicles with signrecognition has is in average only effiency on 50%. Especially in Denmark, where there isn't many visible speed limit signs. - ACEA (Car manufacturers association)
  • The GPS maps are often missing data or need updates. - ACEA (Car manufacturers association)